7 - 8 november, 2024

Technology University 2024

Technology University 2024 tar kunskapsförmedling till nästa nivå med spännande tillägg. Detta år utökar vi vårt fokus med mer djuplodande tekniska breakout-spår inom Cybersäkerhet, Hybrid-molnet och nätverksteknologier, kompletterat med det nya konceptet av ’kortkurser’ för ett flexibelt och intensivt lärande.









Uppsala konsert & kongress
7 - 8 november, 2024
09:00 - 13:00


Cyber and Cloud Innovations: Leading Knowledge Edge

7-8 november

Årets cybersäkerhetskonferens, Technology University 2024 i Uppsala, fokuserar på att dra nytta av ledande innovationer inom cyber och moln. Genom att samla världens främsta innovationstillverkare och experter inom området, erbjuder vi en unik plattform av lärande.

Konferensen kommer att fördjupa sig i Zero Trust och ’security in depth’-strategier, utforska olika säkerhetsramverk och verktyg inklusive MITRE ATT&CK, och belysa de senaste utvecklingarna inom automation och AI-baserat försvar. Vi kommer också att diskutera säkerhetsutmaningar och lösningar för molnmiljöer i alla dess former—privata, hybrida och offentliga.

Du kan välja mellan tekniska ’crash course training’-moduler, som sträcker sig från 2 till 4 timmar, utformade för att ge djupgående kunskaper och praktiska färdigheter. Dessutom kommer det att finnas strategiska sessioner anpassade för IT-ledning, som erbjuder insikter i hur cybersäkerhetsstrategier kan spela en avgörande roll för att nå verksamhetsmål. Evenemanget kommer också att innehålla nationellt och globalt ledande keynote speakers, som ger visionära perspektiv och expertinsikter om cybersäkerhetens framtid.

När och var?

Technology University pågår 1½ dag – med start kl 08:30 torsdag 7 november och pågår t.o.m. lunch fredag 8 november. På kvällen den 7 november har NetNordic tillsammans med våra samarbetspartners anordnat en middag med underhållning och mingel för alla deltagare.

Plats för konferens och middag:
Uppsala Konsert & Kongress (Vaksala torg 1).

Anmäl dig!

Du kan anmäla dig nu! Fyll i anmälningsformuläret längst ner på denna sida. Välj någon av de tre konferensavgifterna samt vilka delar i programmet du vill delta på.


Välj mellan dessa konferenspaket

Alternativ 1

  • 4 350 kr (exkl. moms)

    I konferensavgiften ingår två hotellnätter på Radisson Blu i Uppsala samt luncher/middagar.

    Det här alternativet är lämpligt för ”early arrivals”, dvs för dig anländer den 6 nov – dagen innan konferensen börjar.

    Förutom det officiella programmet för konferensen anordnar vi en gemensam middag den 6 nov för alla ”early arrivals” – plats meddelas senare.

Alternativ 2

  • 2 995 kr (exkl. moms)

    I konferensavgiften ingår en hotellnatt på Radisson Blu i Uppsala samt luncher/middag.

    Alternativ två är för dig som anländer till konferensens start den 7 nov och deltar båda dagarna.

Alternativ 3

  • 1 995 kr (exkl. moms)

    I konferensavgiften ingår luncher/middag.

    Alternativ tre är för dig som anländer den 7 nov och deltar på hela konferensen, men INTE önskar hotell.

Technology University 2024

Utställare och samarbetspartners

Agenda 7 NOVember


Registrering och utställning

Träffa NetNordic och samarbetspartners med kaffe & fralla i utställningen.



Vi förbereder oss för banbrytande diskussioner, innovativa lösningar, och dynamiska workshops som vi kallar Crash Courses. Fredrik och Göran är entusiastiska över att inleda årets teknologiuniversitet. Detta evenemang är inte bara designat för att utmana, utan även för att förbättra vår förmåga att navigera i den digitala tidens komplexitet. Tillsammans kommer vi att höja våra insikter och sätta nya standarder för excellens inom cybersäkerhet, nätverk och molnteknologi. Genom detta sätter vi scenen för en ny era av teknologisk innovation.

Fredrik Rosman
Göran Wales
Fredrik Rosman
VD, NetNordic
Göran Wales
Cybersecurity CTO, NetNordic

Level Up 2024

When everything is said and done, where do we stand? At the critical crossroads, the essential moment to ”Level Up” in cybersecurity and cloud technology. Join Graham Cluley, a pioneering force in IT security, as he outlines the critical steps forward we must take to not just participate but lead in the digital revolution. This presentation will guide attendees through advanced strategies for integrating robust security measures with cutting-edge cloud solutions, ensuring that our systems are proactive, not just reactive. Get ready to transition from playing catch-up to setting the pace.

Graham Cluley
Graham Cluley is a veteran in the IT security industry with a career that spans back to the early 1990s. He began his career as a programmer and created the first version of Dr. Solomon’s Anti-Virus Toolkit for Windows. His profound knowledge and notable contributions in cybersecurity quickly led him to leadership positions at well-known companies like McAfee and Sophos. Since 2013, Cluley has chosen to work as a freelancer. He is active as an independent blogger and podcaster, and continues to be a sought-after speaker at leading global conferences. Through his media appearances, he regularly contributes to discussions on cybersecurity. One of Cluley’s most remarkable achievements is that he coined the phrase ”the cloud is just someone else’s computer
Graham Cluley
Tech Security Analyst
Kaffe & utställning



Vad du säkert behöver veta

Säkerhet anses ofta vara komplext och svårtillgängligt, vilket leder många till att tro att det inte påverkar dem direkt. Under denna engagerande och energirika föreläsning kommer Marcus att belysa varför säkerhet är av yttersta vikt för alla, och presentera hur vi kan närma oss säkerhetsfrågor, både som yrkesverksamma och som vardagliga användare. Han kommer även att dela med sig av praktiska och effektiva metoder för att förbättra säkerheten för enskilda individer såväl som för organisationer. Denna inspirerande presentation inte bara väcker ett ökat intresse för säkerhet, utan utrustar också åhörarna med verktyg för att skapa en faktiskt säkrare vardag.

Marcus Nohlberg
Marcus Nohlberg är en pionjär inom informationssäkerhet, känd för sin banbrytande forskning inom social manipulation. Med en unik MBA inom elektroniska affärer och en doktorsexamen i informationssäkerhet har han blivit en central röst inom cybersäkerhet. Marcus är docent vid Högskolan i Skövde, gästprofessor i Österrike och en flitigt anlitad expert i media. År 2023 blev han utnämnd till excellent lärare, den högsta pedagogiska utmärkelsen vid Högskolan i Skövde.
Marcus Nohlberg
Forskare inom informationssäkerhet
Lunch & utställning


Här kan du välja mellan fyra olika ”breakout sessions”


Här behöver du inte förboka vilket spår du går på.

Automatiserad penetrationstestning i praktiken

Anders Larsson

Välkommen till Pentera, din plattform för heltäckande säkerhetsvalidering. Automated Security Validation™ tar säkerhetstestning till en helt ny nivå, där traditionell sårbarhetsskanning faller kort och manuella penetrationstester inte skalar. Under demonstrationen kommer du att se hur Pentera inte bara identifierar sårbarheter utan också aktivt utnyttjar dessa för att visualisera hur en hotaktör skulle kunna nyttja sårbarheterna. Pentera kommer visuellt beskriva hur angreppet gått och och ge praktiska förslag för att åtgärda dem. Detta ger ditt säkerhetsteam möjligheten att proaktivt skydda er organisation mot hot, på ett sätt som tidigare varit mycket svårt, till omöjligt, för de flesta verksamheter. Med Pentera strömlinjeformas era säkerhetsprocesser och manuellt arbete minskas avsevärt, vilket ger er ett kontinuerligt skydd mot nya och utvecklande hot. Upplev hur Pentera kan transformera er säkerhetsstrategi och håll er ett steg före hotaktörerna.


Det här visste du inte om DDoS

Hans Grapenmyr

Sedan Rysslands fullskaliga invasion av Ukraina har vi bevittnat en revolution av DDoS-attacker, där traditionella försvar visat sig vara verkningslösa. I denna session kommer vi att utforska varför dessa DDoS-skydd inte längre håller måttet och demonstrera live hur nya, mer effektiva lösningar kan identifiera och neutralisera dessa avancerade hot.


Ny definition av e-postsäkerhet: Adaptivt hotskydd över hela leveranskedjan

Mikael Järpänge
Sr. Presales Engineer, Proofpoint

Gå inte miste om denna spännande presentation med Mikael Järpenge som avtäcker Proofpoints banbrytande innovationer inom e-postsäkerhet. Vi utforskar de kraftfulla adaptiva hotskyddsfunktionerna som nu täcker hela e-postleveranskedjan. Genom denna djupdykning får du se hur avancerade AI-analyser och reaktioner i realtid samverkar för att förstärka din organisations e-postkommunikation mot cyberhot.

Gå på ”strategispåret” eller en av de fyra olika ”crash courses”


Här behöver du förboka vilket spår du går på i din anmälan.

Trends and strategies

Step into a session packed with critical data on the latest trends, insightful analyses, and actionable strategies. This breakout is crucial for anyone looking to stay ahead in the game, offering tools and tips that will prepare you to tackle future challenges effectively.

13:00 How to Manage the Cloud
In a time of rapid advancements in cloud technology, it is crucial to stay both informed and prepared. Here, we offer you the opportunity to learn and ensure that your company remains at the forefront of Microsoft’s technological development.

Ali Qureshi
Head of Microsoft Cloud Nordics, NetNordic

13:30 Nutanix: Hybrid Cloud på dina villkor och regler
Nutanix revolutionerar IT-hantering genom att erbjuda helt integrerade lösningar som förenklar komplexiteten i dagens digitala miljöer. Genom att kombinera kraftfulla verktyg för Cloud, Kubernetes och AI, hjälper Nutanix företag att optimera sin IT-infrastruktur, vilket leder till ökad effektivitet, flexibilitet och skalbarhet. Dessa lösningar är utformade för att inte bara möta nuvarande affärsbehov, utan även för att framtidssäkra din IT-strategi.

Erik Hjalmarsson
Sr. Channel Sales Manager, Nutanix

14:00 Extreme Networks: Pioneering Cloud Innovation by Extreme Networks
Join Nadim Baig for a riveting exploration of the latest innovations that are transforming customer experiences across diverse sectors. This session, ”Pioneering Cloud Innovation by Extreme Networks,” delves into the integration of AI, cloud networking, and security technologies that streamline and enhance network capabilities. Key highlights include the revolutionary ExtremeCloud Universal ZTNA and Cloud-Managed Networking solutions, designed to bolster security and streamline management. Discover how these advanced technologies are significantly benefiting our customers, enabling them to excel in an interconnected world. Don’t miss this insightful presentation at Extreme Connect 2024 for a deeper understanding of our cutting-edge technologies.

Nadim Baig
Country Manager, Extreme Networks

14:30 Segmentation is crucial for reducing risks
Segmentation in cybersecurity is crucial for reducing risks and limiting damage in the event of a breach. Segmentation strengthens the company’s defenses, protects against the spread of malware, and enables more precise management of security incidents.

Matthew Harris
Channel Account Director


Introduction to Zero Trust Fundamentals

Oskar Ruckle Illumio TU2022
Oskar Ruckle
Systems Engineer, Illumio

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to Zero Trust Fundamentals, an essential cybersecurity approach designed to enhance security by eliminating implicit trust and continuously validating every stage of digital interactions. In this two-hour session, participants will acquire foundational knowledge and terminology necessary for implementing and managing a Zero Trust strategy.

Learning Objectives:

Understand the Principles and Structure of Zero Trust: Learn about the core principles, concepts, and components that constitute a Zero Trust architecture.

Implement Zero Trust in Cyber Defense: Discover how to integrate Zero Trust methodologies into your cybersecurity practices to improve threat prevention, detection, and response.

Assess and Choose Zero Trust Solutions: Develop skills to evaluate and select cybersecurity products and technologies that align with Zero Trust principles and enhance overall security posture.

Who Should Attend: This course is ideal for network technicians, security analysts, security architects, incident response teams, and technically inclined managers seeking to strengthen their defensive capabilities against cyber threats.

Course Benefits: Participants will leave with a thorough understanding of Zero Trust principles and how to apply them to anticipate and mitigate cyber threats. This knowledge will enable them to make informed decisions about deploying the right technologies and strategies to build a robust Zero Trust framework, thereby significantly improving their organization’s security posture.

CRASH COURSE – Azure Nutshell

Azure in a Nutshell

Alex Ivanov
Cloud Infrastructure Consultant, NetNordic
Rasmus Spendrup
Senior Business Developer, NetNordic

This crash course provides an in-depth exploration of Microsoft Azure, highlighting how it revolutionizes traditional data center concepts through its scalable cloud services and global reach. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of Azure’s main resources, security tools, and best practices essential for securing workloads.

Learning Objectives:

Understand Azure: Discover how Azure stands out from traditional data centers and explore its cloud services, scalability, and global reach.

Main Resources and Security Toolbox in Azure: Get an overview of essential Azure resources and learn about Azure security best practices.

Introduction to the Well-Architected Framework: Delve into the Five Pillars that define high-quality workloads: Cost Management, Performance Efficiency, Reliability, Security, and Operational Excellence.

Introduction to the Cloud Adoption Framework: Understand the journey to cloud adoption and explore governance, strategy, and best practices for a successful transition.

Who Should Attend: This course is ideal for IT professionals, cloud architects, and business leaders aiming to leverage Azure for robust, secure, and efficient cloud solutions.

Course Benefits: Participants will leave this course with valuable insights into building and maintaining high-quality, secure, and efficient solutions on the Azure platform, enhancing their organizational impact and operational effectiveness.


Cohesity Ransomware Resilience Workshop

Join Cohesity for a fully immersive 2-hour workshop created to simulate a live ransomware attack. Participants are invited to adopt the persona of a C-level decision-maker placed in the heart of ‘mission control’ of a fictional company. 

The challenge? Limit the business impact of an attack as it unfolds. With access to a team of data security experts from Cohesity, they will leave the workshop with an actionable ‘Resilience Roadmap’ to help kickstart their plan to protect data, detect threats, and rapidly recover their business from a ransomware attack


Juniper MIST AI-Operations workshop

William Walles
Partner Sales Engineer, Juniper Networks
Lina Bergman
Partner Account Manager, Juniper Networks
Björn Lindman
Systems Engineer, Juniper Networks

“The Network is failing”, heard that one before? – This course will make you feel as the One who has full control over your Network, and you can prove “The network is NOT failing”. With Juniper AI-operations you will learn how AI will help you finding the “needle in the haystack problem” for your Wireless, Wired, User Access and SD-WAN.

Learning Objectives:

Full Stack network solution for Enterprises: Learn about the Juniper MIST full stack solution including Wireless, Wired, Network Access Control and SD-WAN from a user perspective.

How automation will change your way of rolling out your network: Juniper MIST has Automations in its DNA – learn how to build a Campus Fabric in minutes and onboard a Switch or AP fully automated.

Learn how AI is used to guide Network admins to isolate faults: Discover how to the power of AI in the Virtual Network Assistant will help you run your complete Enterprise Network.

Get to know Marvis!: Good AI is like vine grapes – good grapes, good wine – good data, good AI. You will get to know Marvis, your best Companion in networking troubleshooting.

Who Should Attend: This course is ideal for network technicians, pre-sales, sales specialists, Network Operations, and technical managers

Course Benefits: Participants will learn how a modern management platform from Juniper MIST will help building, managing and trouble-shoot complete Enterprise networks focused on User Experience.

Kaffe & utställning



Microsoft och framtiden: Säkerhet i fokus!

Välkommen till en exklusiv presentation där vi djupdyker i Microsofts vision för en tryggare digital framtid. Upptäck hur vårt engagemang för säkerhet driver framåt med innovativa och banbrytande lösningar som formar morgondagens teknologilandskap. Vi kommer att bjuda in dig till en värld där teknik och säkerhet möts på ett sätt som inte bara skyddar, utan öppnar nya möjligheter för dig och din organisation. Genom denna session kommer du att få en unik inblick i de framsteg och strategier som gör Microsoft till en pionjär inom digital säkerhet. Under presentationen kommer vi att utforska några av de senaste teknikerna inom cybersäkerhet, inklusive artificiell intelligens och maskininlärning, och hur dessa kan integreras i din organisation för att skapa en säker och resilient infrastruktur.

Sandra Barouta Elvin
Sandra Barouta Elvin arbetar som nationell säkerhetschef för Microsoft med ansvar för bland annat säkerhetsmässiga policyfrågor och säkerhetsfrågor. Hon har över 20 års erfarenhet av att jobba med IT och informationssäkerhet såväl strategiskt som operativt inom både offentlig och privat sektor.
Sandra Barouta Elvin
Nationell säkerhetschef, Microsoft

Navigating Human-Centric Risk: Unveiling the Four Elements

The human element is considered both the greatest vulnerability and the most valuable asset in the security equation. By recognising that individuals play a central role in the success or failure of security measures, taking a human-centric approach to your security strategy can be pivotal in risk reduction.  Join us as we explore the four elements of human-centric risk and set a path to risk reduction with people at the centre of our strategy.

Adenike Cosgrove
Adenike Cosgrove is VP, Cybersecurity Strategy, EMEA at Proofpoint, where she drives product marketing strategy across the EMEA market. She provides expertise on key regional cybersecurity strategies such as people-centric security, risk management, data privacy, and compliance. Prior to joining Proofpoint, Ms. Cosgrove was global product marketing lead for Email Fraud Protection at Return Path, a division acquired by Proofpoint in the summer of 2016. Earlier in her career, Ms. Cosgrove worked as a lead EMEA advisor to security and risk professionals for Forrester Research and Canalys, where she developed a deep understanding of CISO challenges, and helped clients with their cybersecurity strategies. Ms. Cosgrove is a regular speaker at key conferences including the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit in the US and Japan, the Fortune Brainstorm conferences, the Evanta CIO Executive Summit, it-sa Germany, ISMS Spain and Hacking Human Nature live. Ms. Cosgrove’s subject matter expertise has also been featured in Business Reporter, Computer Business Review, Computing, Forbes, Intelligent CISO, SC Magazine UK, The Telegraph, GovInfo, and iTWire. Recently recognised as one of the UK’s Most Inspiring Women in Cyber 2020, Ms. Cosgrove was also named a finalist at the Computing Security Excellence Awards 2020 in the Security Woman of the Year category. Ms. Cosgrove holds a Masters of Research, Telecommunications from UCL (University College London) and a BSc (Hons) in Computer Engineering from the University of Hull.
Adenike Cosgrove
VP, Cybersecurity Strategy, EMEA Proofpoint

Balancing proactive and reactive cybersecurity measures

Keynote Session with Mr. Markus Alkio, Founder of NetNordic SOC

Join Mr. Markus Alkio as he explores the critical balance between proactive and reactive cybersecurity measures. This session will provide insights into how best cybersecurity strategies can effectively meet broad organizational needs while enhancing overall security, along with a look at the evolving requirements of SOC for 2024 and beyond. Discover the integration of SOC operations, proactive tactics, governance, security architecture, and incident response as essential components in constructing a comprehensive defense framework against emerging cybersecurity threats.

Markus Alkio
Markus Alkio
Senior Vice President SOC and Managed Cybersecurity Services, NetNordic
Paus och hotellincheckning



Middag med underhållning

Middag med underhållning kommer att hållas på bottenvåningen på Uppsala Konsert & Kongress. Sveriges mest dynamiska och underhållande komiker-duo Özz Nûjen och Måns Möller gästar ”Technology University 2024”.


Kaffe i utställningen

Kaffe & utställning



En kort summering

Fredrik Rosman, VD, NetNordic

Vi delar ut en present till dig och avrundar med ”grab & go” lunch.



Agenda 8 NOVember

Gå på ”strategispåret” eller en av de fyra olika ”crash courses”


Här behöver du förboka vilket spår du går på i din anmälan.

Trends and strategies

Step into a session packed with critical data on the latest trends, insightful analyses, and actionable strategies. This breakout is crucial for anyone looking to stay ahead in the game, offering tools and tips that will prepare you to tackle future challenges effectively.

09:00 NetNordic
(Uppdateras inom kort)

09:30 Juniper: What AI in Networking can do for you?
This presentation will cover current and future state of AI in networking and how Juniper Networks AI-Native platform delivers exceptional user and administrator experiences by leveraging AIOps. In addition, we will cover our innovation in the field of AI in networking and real-world customer success stories.

Ilpo Mäkinen
Regional Manager, Nordics & Baltics, Juniper

10:00 Cohesity: Cohesity, säkrar upp och managerar data, oavsett var det finns

Tre faktorer driver behovet av ett nytt förhållningssätt till datasäkerhet och data managering:
– Drivkraften för digital transformation och API-driven infrastruktur.
– Cyberhoten utvecklas på komplexa och oförutsägbara sätt.
– Tillkomsten av AI.

Thomas Krokbäck
Enterprise Account Executive, Cohesity

10:30 NetNordic
(Uppdateras inom kort)

CRASH COURSE – Mitre Att&ck

Introduction to MITRE ATT&CK Framework

Eirik Valderhaug
Senior Consulting Engineer, Palo Alto Networks

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the MITRE ATT&CK framework, a globally recognized knowledge base widely used for understanding adversary tactics and techniques observed in real-world attacks. Through this two-hour session, participants will gain foundational knowledge and terminology necessary for constructing and evaluating effective cybersecurity defenses aligned with the ATT&CK model.

Learning Objectives:

Understand the Structure and Purpose of MITRE ATT&CK: Learn about the domains, tactics, techniques, and procedures documented in the ATT&CK framework.

Apply ATT&CK to Cyber Defense: Explore how to integrate ATT&CK methodologies into your cybersecurity practices to enhance threat assessment and defense strategies.

Evaluate Security Technologies: Develop skills to assess and select cybersecurity products and technologies through the lens of their efficacy against documented techniques in ATT&CK.

Who Should Attend: This course is designed for network technicians, security analysts, security architects, incident response teams, and technically inclined managers aiming to bolster their defensive capabilities against cyber threats.

Course Benefits: Participants will leave with a solid understanding of how to use the ATT&CK framework to better anticipate and respond to cyber threats, enhancing their organization’s overall security posture. This knowledge will empower them to make informed decisions about deploying the right technologies and strategies for robust cyber defense.

CRASH COURSE – Azure cost

Be smart with Azure, pay less, get more!

Rasmus Spendrup
Senior Business Developer, NetNordic

This crash course provides an in-depth exploration of Microsoft Azure cost optimization and rationalization methods. Allowing businesses to apply appropriate methods of cost reduction based on vital business insights. This course is designed to provide attendees with key insights and knowledge needed to leverage Azure’s strengths to your advantage whilst reducing costs.

Learning Objectives:

Governance: Why good tagging and naming standards is of essence. Understand how to define and enforce cost optimization rules using Azure Policy. As well as hiw to implement controls and guardrails to proactively manage costs.

Architecture: Explore the significance of a well-planned hierarchical structure for cost management and how this structure enables effective application of cost control policies. You will also learn how the establishment of digital factories can enhance your company’s ability to provide cost-efficient services to the business.

Rationalization: Dive into the synergy between Microsoft’s modernization toolbox and the Gartner rationalization framework. Learn how this combination helps evaluate your digital estate and determine future levels of innovation and cost reduction strategies.

Resources: Uncover key factors for cost optimization, including right-sizing, autoscaling, licensing strategies, scheduling, and automation.

Who Should Attend: This course is ideal for IT professionals, cloud architects, and business leaders aiming to leverage Azure for robust, secure, and efficient cloud solutions.

Course Benefits: Participants will leave this course with valuable insights and actionable strategies for optimizing Azure spending while maintaining performance and efficiency.

CRASH COURSE – Nutanix solutions

Introduction to Nutanix cloud solutions

Erik Hjalmarsson
Senoir Manager, Nutanix

This course offers an in-depth exploration of Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure, a unified solution that integrates private, public, and hybrid cloud operations. Over the span of two hours, participants will delve into the robust and scalable foundations that Nutanix provides for all IT needs, enhancing understanding of cloud management and migration with Nutanix tools.

Learning Objectives:

Understand Nutanix’s Unified Infrastructure: Learn about the integration of private, public, and hybrid cloud operations within Nutanix’s platform.

Efficient Cloud Management with Nutanix Cloud Manager: Explore how to centralize and simplify the management of cloud environments using Nutanix’s Cloud Manager.

Migrate with Ease using Nutanix: Gain insights on migrating file servers and databases seamlessly to the cloud with Nutanix Files and Nutanix Database Service.

Accelerate IT with Advanced Nutanix Solutions: Discover how Nutanix VDI and NC2 can improve user experience and productivity by providing fast, reliable services and integrating with public cloud services like AWS and Azure.

Who Should Attend: This course is ideal for IT professionals such as network technicians, system administrators, cloud architects, and managers involved in IT infrastructure planning and execution who are looking to enhance their expertise in cloud infrastructure management and migration.

Course Benefits: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of Nutanix’s cloud platform capabilities, enabling them to effectively manage and migrate data and applications. This knowledge empowers them to leverage advanced services like VDI and NC2, ultimately simplifying IT management, boosting performance, and reducing costs.

CRASH COURSE – Extreme solutions

Seamless security and network management: Unified cloud solutions by Extreme Networks

Jason Miceli
Senior System Engineer, Extreme Networks

Join Jason Miceli for an in-depth crash course on Unified Cloud Solutions by Extreme Networks. This session offers a practical introduction to seamlessly integrating security and network management using the latest cloud-based solutions from Extreme Networks. Over two hours, participants will learn how these unified systems enhance operational efficiency and security across network environments.

Learning Objectives:

Grasp Unified Cloud Solutions: Understand the architecture, components, and benefits of unified cloud solutions, emphasizing how they streamline network management and security.

Implement Enhanced Security and Management: Explore methods to integrate these solutions into existing network infrastructures, improving visibility, control, and response to security threats.

Evaluate and Optimize Network Systems: Gain skills to assess current network setups and apply unified solutions to optimize performance and security.

Who Should Attend:

This course is designed for IT professionals, including network administrators, system engineers, security analysts, and IT managers who aim to enhance their knowledge of cloud-based network management and security solutions.

Course Benefits:

Participants will leave with a solid understanding of how unified cloud solutions can simplify and strengthen network management and security. This knowledge will equip them to deploy advanced technologies effectively, leading to improved operational efficiency and a fortified security posture within their organizations.



Cybersecurity for the AI era: A Palo Alto Networks presentation

2023 was a transformative year for AI, offering both opportunities and challenges. Enterprises are rapidly escalating their investments in generative AI to enhance automation, content creation, and overall experiences. Yet, AI’s dual nature also equips cybercriminals with sophisticated tools. In response, Palo Alto Networks introduces a groundbreaking cybersecurity approach tailored for the AI era, featuring Precision AI™ – The Future of AI & Cybersecurity. This innovative strategy not only boosts cloud transformation and accelerates incident responses but also fortifies hybrid workforces and mobile networks against evolving threats. Join us to learn how to effectively harness AI and secure your digital infrastructure in this new technological landscape.


Key Takeaways: Avslutande summering av årets konferens

I avslutningen av årets konferens kommer Fredrik och Göran att sammanfatta de mest betydelsefulla insikterna och höjdpunkterna. De kommer att ge en överblick över de viktigaste diskussionerna och de framsteg som presenterats under årets teknologiuniversitet. Dessutom kommer de att belysa hur dessa framsteg kan påverka oss och forma vår framtid.

Fredrik Rosman
Göran Walles
Fredrik Rosman
VD, NetNordic Sweden
Göran Walles
Cybersecurity CTO, NetNordic



Kaffe i utställningen

Kaffe & utställning



En kort summering

Fredrik Rosman, VD, NetNordic

Vi delar ut en present till dig och avrundar med ”grab & go” lunch.



Uppsala Konsert & Kongress
Vaksala torg 1
753 51 Uppsala

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