NetNordic stödjer Wildhood Foundation
NetNordic stödjer Wildhood Foundation – som genom insamling och kunskapsspridning bidrar till ett effektivt skydd av hotade arter och vildmarksområden i Afrika. Wildhood fokuserar på ekosystem som är avgörande för den biologiska mångfalden och 1000-tals vilda djur, växter och träd. Idag skyddar Wildhood 1 miljon hektar vildmark i Sydafrika och Zimbabwe. När arbetet expanderar till Botswana och Mocambique växer portfolion med ytterligare 3 miljoner hektar. Det långsiktiga målet är att återställa ursprungliga vandringsleder så att elefanter och andra arter kan röra sig fritt mellan länderna.
Genom att NetNordic stödjer Wildhood Foundation bidrar vi till en positiv utveckling för djur, natur, kvinnor och barn i Sydafrika.
Kvinnliga parkvakter
Genom Wildhood stödjer vi Akashinga – världens första kvinnliga parkvaktsstyrka som skyddar en av Afrikas sista stora elefantpopulationer. Sedan Akashinga började patrullera i Zambezidalen har tjuvjakten minskat med 80% och elefanterna börjat återvända till områden som de tidigare flytt ifrån. Idag sysselsätter Wildhood 175 parkvakter som skyddar en halv miljon hektar vildmark. Målet är att 1000 kvinnor ska vara i arbete 2026 och vi ser fram emot att vara med på och möjliggöra den resan.
Age: 24 yrs old
Occupation: Akashinga ranger
Deployd in the Phundundu area
Do you have a family?
Yes, we are 5 in our family and my family does farming for a living.
How was life before Akashinga?
Before I joined Akashinga I was a farmer, I produced maize, beans, groundnuts ,round nuts and much more which I had to sell in my local area for a living.
What do you enjoy most about being part of Akashinga?
What I really like most as a ranger is protecting animals so that our kids will grow up to see them and also they will know why it’s important to look after them.
Which is your favorite animal?
My best animal is the python because it’s a specially protected animal as a reptile.
Do you have any dreams for the future?
I want to upgrade myself, continue from where I left at school and learn more about fauna and flora which I am passionate about.
Age: 37 years
Occupation: Akashinga ranger
Deployd in the Phundundu area
Do you have a family?
Yes, I come from a family of 5 of which 3 of them are girls and 2 are boys. I am married and blessed with 4 kids. My family finds a way of living through me since I am the one working.
How was life before Akashinga?
Before I joined Akashinga I survived on buying and selling different goods like clothes and shoes to look after my family.
What do you enjoy most about being part of Akashinga?
I like my job as a ranger because I am able to stop any person from committing crime like wildlife poaching regardless of who they are or what position they have in life.
Which is your favorite animal?
My favorite animal is the zebra because it’s very calm, you get closer to it, it can live among domesticated animals and above that it’s beautiful with those stripes, many people love it.
Do you have any dreams for the future?
I dream of always being a good mother to my kids and creating a better life for them.
Age: 29 years
Occupation: Akashinga ranger
Deployd in the Phundundu area
Do you have a family?
I am from a family of 5 (4 girls and 1 boy). I am a single mom with 1 daughter. My family survives on farming.
How was life before Akashinga?
Before joining Akashinga I did farming as a living.
What do you enjoy most about being part of Akashinga?
As a ranger I get to know different kinds of animals and their value. I also love my job very much because I love animals.
Which is your favorite animal?
I love the elephant very much because it’s my own totem.
Do you have any dreams for the future?
I wish one day to become a conservationist. I look forward to continuing to serve my current job so I can also have the ability to keep my daughter in school and make a living for her.
Age: 37 yrs old
Occupation: Akashinga ranger
Deployd in the Phundundu area
Do you have a family?
Yes, a big one! We are 8 in our family (4 boys and 4 girls). I am a married woman with 4 children. I am the one taking care of the whole family, there is no other way of living for them other than me as their mother and I’m very lucky to be having a job as a source of my income now.
How was life before Akashinga?
I was a farmer before I joined Akashinga.
What do you enjoy most about being part of Akashinga?
Conserving wildlife and the environment for the benefit of future generations, controlling poaching and also interaction with foreign countries.
Which is your favorite animal?
I like the elephant because it is easy to see in thick bushes and also easy to control if they are scared. When they hear unnecessary noise they run away.
Do you have any dreams for the future?
What I dream of is to complete building a house for my family and starting up a business to sustain my family living.
International Ranger Award 2022
Hon är powerkvinnan som vann International Ranger Award 2022 och en av de första parkvakterna i Akashinga. Låt oss presentera Sergeant Nyaradzo Hoto.
Name & age: Nyaradzo Hoto, 30 years old
Family: 2 Daughters
Job: Akashinga Sergeant
Ranger since: 2017
Favourite animal: Elephant
By the time Akashinga started, being a ranger was a male-dominated occupation. It was not a space that included women, but by joining Akashinga I could be a part of that change.
Being a ranger means everything to me! A ranger is a warrior. She is a saviour of wildlife. I am very proud to call myself an Akashinga ranger.
A typical day includes patrolling the protected area, monitoring wildlife, engaging local communities in conservation and assisting in resolving human-wildlife conflicts. By working with the communities and helping them gain better knowledge of the importance of these animals we can reduce the level of poaching.
Thanks to our extensive training, no challenges are too big for an Akashinga ranger. Together we face the difficulties and the heartaches and continue to fight for the wildlife we protect. Every challenge helps us become even better.
The Akashinga project is a game changer in the conservation sector and for women. I want to be a part of that and the evolution of conservation.
I see myself as a Chief Ecologist for the International Anti-Poaching Foundation.
I would like the ability to grant peoples’ empathy! Animals can’t stand up and speak out for themselves so it’s our role, both as rangers and empathetic human beings, to imagine what it’s like to be in an animal’s shoes and fight for their rights.
Hotet mot biologisk mångfald
Aldrig förr i mänsklighetens historia har naturen varit under så stor press som nu. De ekosystem som människor och andra arter är beroende av försvinner i allt snabbare takt och en miljon växt- och djurarter hotas av utrotning enligt FN:s vetenskapspanel. Hotet mot biologisk mångfald bedöms som mer akut än klimatförändringarna och har flera år i rad lyfts fram som en av de största globala riskerna av World Economic Forum.
Varje år dödas 20 000 elefanter i den illegala jakten på elfenben och med bara omkring 350 000 elefanter kvar på den afrikanska kontinenten är det en kamp mot klockan att rädda arten från utrotning. Tjuvjakten är ett av de enskilt största hoten mot biologisk mångfald och hållbara ekosystem. Bevarandet av vilda djur och deras miljöer är en global angelägenhet, inte enbart ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv utan också ur ett säkerhetspolitiskt perspektiv eftersom handeln göder organiserad brottslighet och skapar instabilitet i lokala samhällen.
”Wildhood är beviset på att en liten organisation kan göra stor skillnad. Idag bidrar vi till skydd av 1 000 000 hektar vildmark i södra Afrika. Tillsammans med våra givare och partners skapar vi en värld där noshörningar, lejon och elefanter finns kvar i det vilda för kommande generationer!”
Filippa Tarras-Wahlberg
Grundare av Wildhood Foundation
- Möjliggöra och skala upp insatser som skyddar vilda djur och natur
- Öka kunskapen om hotet mot vilda djur och deras miljöer
- Påverka opinion och lagstiftning genom debatt och policyarbete
- Rekrytering och utbildning av kvinnliga parkvakter
- Hundar som tränas för att hjälpa parkvakterna i arbetet
- Stipendier till skolbarn i områden som omger vildmarken
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